Keeping pets means taking responsibilities, and this means you should pay attention to nearly everything, including trivial things, for example, the dog bowls for your dogs to eat with. Don’t look down upon the importance of having a dog bowl with good features. Dog bowls with ideal height can help your dogs eat better, and even stay healthy. How so? Well, the ideal dog bowl height provides your dog with comfort when eating, therefore promoting good health. So it is necessary for you to know how to determine dog bowl height, to ensure your dogs eat in the best way for them.
In this article you'll find dog bowl options in different sizes to cater to your furry friends needs better along with the advantages of selecting the right height dog bowl for your pets based on their size and breed specifics — let us dive in!
Types of Dog Bowls
When selecting a dog bowl, for your doggy friends' meals there are factors to keep in mind, for example the material used, the design of the bowl and its height. Let us delve into exploring the heights of dog bowls and how specific heights cater to various types of dogs.
Shallow Dog Bowls
Shallow bowls are often preferred for dogs with flat faces such as bulldogs and pugs due to the bowls' convenience for eating and drinking, without letting dogs face obstacles from bowl rims or straining their necks excessively which could lead to added stress issues for them. This is crucial as breeds like these are born with having a risk of breathing problems (dyspnea) hence deep bowls can potentially obstruct their airways causing breathing issues.
Elevated Dog Bowls
Elevated dog bowls refer to those that are lifted to a height from the ground level which makes them suitable, for dogs of varying sizes and heights, universally preferred by pet owners due to their numerous benefits such as reducing strain, in the neck and back of the dog while eating, improving their digestion process and helping in maintaining cleanliness in your pet’s feeding area.
Dog Bowls with Smaller Openings
When choosing a dog bowl size to fit your doggy friend’s needs it's crucial to pay attention to the opening size as well. If your dog has large ears opting for a bowl, with small openings, can help keep their ears clean while they eat.
If your dog tends to eat greedily at meal times a bowl with smaller openings could be a good option as well. Smaller openings can make it more challenging, for a dog to eat large amounts of food in one go thus helping reduce the risk of bloating for them.
Deep Dog Bowls
Deep dog bowls are a great choice, for types of dog breeds. If your dogs are big or have long ears or they eat quickly you might want to think about getting them such bowls.
For larger breeds, like golden retrievers and Great Danes or Labradors sometimes regular bowls just don't cut it when it comes to holding their food and water amounts. A deeper bowl can help hold more so you don't have to keep refilling as often.
Dogs with long ears, for example cocker spaniels and Baguidoos often have their ears dip into food or water while eating. Opt for a deep bowl to keep their ears out of the bowl and lessen the chances of them getting messy. This way you can avoid frequent baths thus keeping them clean effortlessly!
For dogs that tend to eat voraciously like Beagles and Pugs opting for a deep bowl is a good idea, for such bowls often feature maze like designs or obstacles on the inside to help regulate their eating pace and aid in addressing any digestion issues they may experience.
Dog Bowls for Slow Feeding
If your furry friends tend to gobble up their food and end up having tummy issues as a result — no need to fret! There are special dog bowls that can tackle this concern effectively. When selecting a bowl for your doggies' dining needs choosing ones that come equipped with maze designs or obstacles inside the bowl to encourage a slower eating pace.

How to Choose the Right Height for Dog Bowls?
It's essential to pay attention to where you put your dog’s food and water bowls as it can greatly affect their well being and health in the long run. Why is this a consideration? Well, if the bowls are positioned low it could strain your dogs' necks when they bend down to eat or drink leading to discomfort. Finding the right height for the bowls can reduce stress on their bodies thus potentially prevent health problems down the line. Let us delve into the height for dogs of diversified sizes, in this segment.
Dog bowls for puppies
If you have a puppy at home, have you ever paid attention to the height of the dog bowl? Puppies are small, short and cute limbs, but when choosing a dog bowl, the height is a big question!
Puppy characteristics:
- Puppy's bones and muscles are still growing, especially delicate, a little outside influence may make them feel uncomfortable.
- Therefore, when picking a dog bowl, the height has to be just right, so that the puppy can eat comfortably and the neck will not be excessively tilted up or down.
So what is the right height?
- Simple, try standing your puppy up straight and look at the height of his front legs, about 2-6 inches. Yes, the height of the dog bowl should be pretty much in that range.
- But this is just a general suggestion, after all, every puppy is different in size and habits. You can observe your puppy eating a few times, if he always tilts his head up or down and struggles to eat, then you should adjust the height of the dog bowl.
Dog Bowls for Medium Sized Dogs
Medium-sized dogs, being medium-sized, active and cute, are the favourite of many families. But you know what? When choosing a dog bowl for them, the height is a big question!
The characteristics of medium-sized dogs:
- Is your medium-sized dog bigger and stronger than a small dog? Their neck and back are quite muscular.
- However, don't think they'll be able to fit into dog bowls of all height. In fact, medium-sized dogs also need a dog bowl of the right height to stay healthy.
Dog bowls should be the right height:
- Dog bowls that are too high or too low can make medium-sized dogs uncomfortable during meals and even trigger neck and back pain.
- As a general rule, dog bowls for medium-sized dogs should be slightly higher than the height of their front legs. If your medium-sized dog's front legs are about 6-13 incheshigh when standing, then the height of the bowl can be adjusted to between 7-14 inches.
- Of course, this is just a reference, every medium-sized dog has different size and habit, you may have to observe them eating a few more time before fine-tuning the height of the dog bowl.
Dog Bowls for Large Dogs
If you have a large dog at home, there is a lot to be said for dog bowls! Large dogs, that is a representative of power and majesty, strong body, amazing strength. However, when choosing a dog bowl for them, the height should be carefully considered.
Characteristics of large dogs:
- Is your large dog oversized, with limbs as thick as pillars? Their neck and back muscles, that is really not cover, developed very much!
- So big, how much they have to eat and drink every day! So when choosing a dog bowl, it must be large enough, otherwise they will have to eat several meals before they are full.
- And ah, the dog bowl must be durable, or they gently touch the broken, that is not good.
The height of the bowl should be appropriate:
- The right height of dog bowl is too important for large dogs. Too high or too low will not do, they have to be able to eat comfortably, and the neck should not be excessively tilted up or down.
- Generally speaking, a dog bowl for large dogs should be about the same height as their front legs, or a little higher. For example, if your large dog's front legs are 15-20 incheshigh when standing, then the bowl height can be within this range, or slightly higher.
- Of course, this is only a rough range, every large dog has a different size and habits, you may have to observe them eating a few more times, and then fine-tune the height of the dog bowl.
Dog Bowls for Mega Dogs
For really big breeds, for example Great Danes or Mastiffs, you need even taller stands. Usually, the ideal height for such dogs is between 21-27 inches.
Check out this table, for a good comparison of dog bowl heights by dog size:
Dog Size |
Bowl Height |
Small Dogs (e.g., Chihuahua, Yorkie) |
2-6 inches |
Medium Dogs (e.g., Beagle, Border Collie) |
7-14 inches |
Large Dogs (e.g., Labrador, German Shepherd) |
15-20 inches |
Mega Dogs (e.g., Great Dane, Mastiff) |
21-27 inches |
Ensuring that your dogs' food and water bowls are positioned at the height is beneficial, for it does good to their well being making meal times more enjoyable and comfortable for them as they eat their food easily without any strain or discomfort on their necks or backsides. It's essential to gauge your dog's size according to these guidelines and regularly assess their comfort levels to ensure they are content, with their dining setup.
In fact TheZero Splash Ultimate-Adjustable Elevated DogBowl 2-in-1 Food WaterBowls by PUPPHUB is a great dog bowl. It's height adjustable so it's suitable for most dogs.

Benefits for Using Elevated Dog Bowls
In this article we will emphasize on introducing benefits of using elevated dog bowls, for such bowls are becoming more and more popular with more and more owners come to know how a suitable dog bowl can be beneficial for their dogs' health.
Providing Relief for Some Sick Dogs
Firstly, placing the bowl at a higher level can help alleviate strain, on your dogs' neck and back muscles by allowing them to eat or drink without having to bend down much and risk discomfort in their neck or back — this is especially beneficial, for larger or older dogs who may experience more stress on their joints and muscles when bending down to eat from a bowl placed on the ground. I have purchased a raised food bowl for my dog who was struggling with osteoporosis in its years and mealtimes were much smoother for it, I could tell.
Keeping Your Dog in the Correct Eating Position
Using elevated dog bowls can assist your dogs' eating, in maintaining a good posture while eating their meals by positioning their necks, backs and stomachs in an alignment, for improved swallowing. The ideal height of the feeding bowl for a dog varies depending on its breed and size enhancing the dining experience, for our companions.
Additionally, with the right posture thanks to the bowl, food can flow into their stomach more smoothly resulting in less air intake during eating thus lowering the chances of bloating and choking. I recall my Boomerang used to choke while drinking water. This issue was resolved once I purchased a bowl for her.
Relieving Muscle Tension in Dogs
Using raised dog bowls can lessen strain by allowing dogs to eat in a position which is particularly beneficial, for their neck and back regions. If you have an aging dog that may not be active like before it is a suggestion to switch to a bowl to provide them with greater comfort, in their later years.
Reducing Dog Aggression Due to Food Guarding
Investing in elevated dog bowls can be advantageous when dealing with dogs which frequently bicker over their meals to safeguard their food from each other’s reach. The benefit of these bowls is that they provide dogs, with a relieving dining and drinking experience fostering a feeling of security during meal times and reducing the chances of food guarding behaviors.
Furthermore using an elevated food bowl, for your dog which likes to safeguard its food, can give them a sense of autonomy, reducing the likelihood of other pets or children interrupting their mealtime resulting in your dog feeling more at ease and secure.
Keeps Food Away from Dust and Bacteria on the Floor
One important yet often overlooked benefit is cleanliness. By lifting food off the ground, elevated bowls cut contact with floor dust and bacteria. This makes eating healthier and prevents dogs from eating harmful stuff.
Feature |
Benefits |
Height |
Reduces bending for eating; suits special health needs |
Posture |
Encourages healthy alignment for digestion |
Muscle Tension |
Minimizes strain on neck and back |
Behavioral Impact |
Reduces food guarding and stress during meals |
Hygiene |
Keeps food clean by avoiding floor contact |

FAQ: What’s the Best Dog Bowl Size for my Specific Dog Breed?
Although we have provided you with the method to choose the most suitable dog bowl for your dogs, you might still think measuring your dog’s height before choosing a dog bowl is too troublesome. Don’t worry, here we will directly offer you the information about the proper height of dog bowls, for your certain breeds of dogs. With this guide, you can select a suitable elevated dog bowl at Pupphub accordingly.
Please note that our suggestion, for the height of dog bowls, is determined by the average leg height of a dog breed. While our recommendation generally works well for most dogs in practice it is still worth considering that it may not be a fit for your dog. If you have concerns, about this possibility, it is wise to measure your dogs' leg height yourself to ensure the fit.
Now you may click on the following breed names, to see the exact recommended height of dog bowls for your dogs.
1. Australian Shepherds
The advised bowl height for an Australian Shepherd is 8 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Australian Shepherds, which is between 12.5 inches and 15.5 inches.
2. Beagles
The advised bowl height for a Beagle is 8 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Beagles, which is between 9 inches and 12 inches.
3. Bernese Mountain Dogs
The advised bowl height for a Bernese Mountain dog is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Bernese Mountain dogs, which is between 16.5 inches and 18.5 inches.
4. Boxers
The advised bowl height for a Boxer dog is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Boxers, which is between 14.5 inches and 18.5 inches.
5. Bulldogs
The advised bowl height for a Bulldog is 8 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Bulldogs, which is between 9 inches and 12 inches.
6. Chihuahuas
The advised bowl height for a Chihuahua is 2.5 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Chihuahuas, which is between 3 inches and 5 inches.
7. Cane Corsos
The advised bowl height for a Cane Corso is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Cane Corsos, which is between 16.5 inches and 18.5 inches.
8. Collies
The advised bowl height for a Collie dog is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Collies, which is between 16.5 inches and 18.5 inches.
9. Doberman Pinschers
The advised bowl height for a Doberman Pinscher is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Doberman Pinschers, which is between 16.5 inches and 19.5 inches.
10. French Bulldogs
The advised bowl height for a French Bulldog is 8 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of French Bulldogs, which is between 9 inches and 12 inches.
11. German Shepherds
The advised bowl height for a German Shepherd is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of German Shepherds, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
12. Golden Retrievers
The advised bowl height for a Golden Retriever is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Golden Retrievers, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
13. Great Danes
The advised bowl height for a Great Dane is 16 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Great Danes, which is between 19 inches and 22.5 inches.
14. Labrador Retrievers
The advised bowl height for a Labrador Retriever is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Labrador Retrievers, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
15. Mastiffs
The advised bowl height for a Mastiffs is 16 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Mastiffs, which is between 19 inches and 22 inches.
16. Rottweilers
The advised bowl height for a Rottweiler is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Rottweilers, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
17. Shorthaired Pointers
The advised bowl height for a Shorthaired Pointer is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Shorthaired Pointers, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
18. Siberian Huskies
The advised bowl height for a Siberian Husky is 12 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Siberian Huskies, which is between 15.5 inches and 17.5 inches.
19. St. Bernards
The advised bowl height for a St. Bernard is 16 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of St. Bernards, which is between 19 inches and 22 inches.
20. Teddies
The advised bowl height for a Teddy is 3 inches. Such recommendation is based on the average leg height of Teddies, which is between 7 inches and 9 inches.